all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 5AA 15 0 51.899768 0.515463
CM7 5AB 31 0 51.90105 0.515666
CM7 5AD 16 0 51.89934 0.517416
CM7 5AE 34 0 51.898835 0.515382
CM7 5AF 20 0 51.900059 0.517413
CM7 5AG 11 0 51.899945 0.51857
CM7 5AH 51 0 51.899732 0.520562
CM7 5AJ 25 0 51.898727 0.522964
CM7 5AN 9 0 51.898035 0.524161
CM7 5AP 6 0 51.89695 0.508488
CM7 5AQ 39 2 51.898679 0.51972
CM7 5AS 19 1 51.904481 0.505768
CM7 5AT 2 0 51.909345 0.500774
CM7 5AU 11 0 51.911759 0.50056
CM7 5AW 19 0 51.896475 0.520614
CM7 5AX 12 0 51.912607 0.49831
CM7 5AY 9 0 51.915359 0.491104
CM7 5AZ 13 1 51.918266 0.489752
CM7 5BA 5 1 51.919254 0.495305
CM7 5BB 8 0 51.912566 0.500256